Desrumaux AVOCATS

Avocats  Droit social  Droit des affaires

Desrumaux AVOCATS

Avocats  Droit social  Droit des affaires

desrumaux avocats

avocats droit social – droit des affaires


Actualité juridique

DESRUMAUX AVOCATS takes action for the planet

5 September 2023

For almost a year now, the firm has been using ELISE to recycle its corporate waste. Despite all the firm’s efforts to reduce waste production, the use and disposal of large quantities of paper remains an inherent part of the legal profession. In an effort to reduce its environmental impact, the firm calls on ELISE to collect and recycle its waste.

By giving priority to recycling and avoiding the incineration of a large proportion of corporate waste, ELISE and the firm are helping to reduce atmospheric pollution and preserve natural resources.

In addition, ELISE’s workforce is mainly made up of people with disabilities or integration difficulties. By switching from incineration or landfill to recycling used paper, the firm is helping to create 10 times more jobs in the paper and cardboard processing sector.

After almost a year, the firm is very pleased to conclude that ELISE is a professional company, and would like to recommend it to all other companies wishing to reduce their environmental impact.

On a day-to-day basis, the firm pursues its efforts by adapting the insulation of its premises, encouraging teleworking, favoring soft mobility for its journeys, calculating its carbon footprint, etc.


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